Squirrel Junkie: So when one in in stasis is it safe to disturb them?
Squirrel Junkie: B: Um should we open it now?
Squirrel Junkie: B: Ok the instructions say...
Squirrel Junkie: Instructions to awake TMQ out of Stasis
Squirrel Junkie: (((DIVE!)))
Squirrel Junkie: S: Ok you open that side and I will get..ugh..over here...
Squirrel Junkie: S: Come on we followed your instructions..wakey wakey...
Squirrel Junkie: Oooo the stasis pod itself....
Squirrel Junkie: There she is! YAY!
Squirrel Junkie: LOL! Her clothes she packed.
Squirrel Junkie: TMQ: *Grumbles*....
Squirrel Junkie: Three 365 Goobs
Squirrel Junkie: TMQ: Faster! There are aliens to zap!
Squirrel Junkie: There are aliens here! HALP!
Squirrel Junkie: Ack! Seee I told you! Dial 911! 9-1-1!
Squirrel Junkie: S: Bea stop making out with the yarn. Sheesh!
Squirrel Junkie: Hanging out at the local yarn shop.
Squirrel Junkie: B: So how is the mohair selection here?
Squirrel Junkie: Night night girls.
Squirrel Junkie: Girls: Did you get it?
Squirrel Junkie: TMQ: I was starting to worry...
Squirrel Junkie: TMQ the mighty alien hunter..
Squirrel Junkie: TMQ: Hear me ROAR!
Squirrel Junkie: Super duper anti-alien cape.
Squirrel Junkie: Incognito
Squirrel Junkie: *click* *click*
Squirrel Junkie: S: Hey Deb what's going on?
Squirrel Junkie: Lightbox!