Squirrel Junkie: What is going on here?
Squirrel Junkie: 14/365 Back together!
Squirrel Junkie: Nap time...
Squirrel Junkie: It is ok little fella...
Squirrel Junkie: Dress details.
Squirrel Junkie: 39/365 First Day of School
Squirrel Junkie: And a one and a two and a...
Squirrel Junkie: 40/365 ...first position ladies!... and a one and a two....
Squirrel Junkie: ...and Plié Plié...and a....
Squirrel Junkie: ...lift that leg higher...higher!
Squirrel Junkie: 46/365 Out for a drive in the Volksrod.
Squirrel Junkie: 50/365 Such a busy busy day.
Squirrel Junkie: Such a happy girlie! :D
Squirrel Junkie: In the sky
Squirrel Junkie: Upside down
Squirrel Junkie: 51/365 Woot! New glasses!
Squirrel Junkie: 54/365 Eek! I have a lot I need to do.
Squirrel Junkie: Study...study...study...
Squirrel Junkie: Socks & Boots
Squirrel Junkie: 56/365 Ok matey yer booty is all pack'd and re'dy to be shipped off.
Squirrel Junkie: Should be arivin in 'bout 2 sunsets. K.
Squirrel Junkie: 55/365 Look! Umm... I mean... Argh! Me got some booty!
Squirrel Junkie: Look see I got some doubloons to share.
Squirrel Junkie: Matey! Hey you! You want it or not?
Squirrel Junkie: How 'bout a lollipop then?
Squirrel Junkie: Well fine then, so you like my dress or what?
Squirrel Junkie: But. but. but. look at da back...
Squirrel Junkie: And see my socks and boots looks so cute with it too!
Squirrel Junkie: Taking the new skateboard out for the first time...
Squirrel Junkie: 66/365 Sk8R Girlie