busychild424 (Josh): washer - 11/6/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Carruth O'Leary Hall - 11/5/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Fall on Campus - 11/8/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Are you waiting for the bus? - 11/9/2010
busychild424 (Josh): My stuff - 11/10/2010
busychild424 (Josh): West Campus Road - 11/11/2010
busychild424 (Josh): It's my stuff again - 11/7/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Wescoe Hall on a rainy fall morning - 11/12/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Untitled - 11/13/2010
busychild424 (Josh): It's Everywhere Up Here - 11/14/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Basketball Mayhem - 11/15/2010
busychild424 (Josh): School - 11/16/2010
busychild424 (Josh): The Halls of Higher Learning - 11/17/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Java Break - 11/18/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Jayhawk Basketball - 11/19/2010
busychild424 (Josh): No time for photos today. I'm writing a paper. - 11/20/2010
busychild424 (Josh): I'm Still Writing a Paper and Almost Forgot to Take a Picture Today, So Here Are Some Fly Swatters. - 11/21/2010
busychild424 (Josh): The View Out My Office Window - 11/22/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Pregame Pump-Up - 11/23/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Five Alarm - 11/24/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Pie and Coffee - 11/25/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Cookie Turkey - 11/26/2010
busychild424 (Josh): I Call It Kindling - 11/27/2010
busychild424 (Josh): The Road Back to Reality - 11/28/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Untitled - 11/29/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Holy Crap It's Cold - 11/30/2010
busychild424 (Josh): GPOYW (Warm Hat Edition) - 12/1/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Just Barely. - 12/2/2010
busychild424 (Josh): A 5-year-old's dream - 12/3/2010
busychild424 (Josh): Little Vader - 12/4/2010