busy.pochi: FOCA SPORT
busy.pochi: Foca Sport - bottom view
busy.pochi: built like a tank
busy.pochi: my precioussssss
busy.pochi: Foca Sport - viewfinder and lens, view from the top
busy.pochi: Foca Sport lens: focus, apperture and speed settings
busy.pochi: Foca Sport - ASA / DIN settings
busy.pochi: Foca Sport - lens, flash cold shoe and trigger
busy.pochi: Foca Sport - lever and trigger
busy.pochi: Foca Sport - view from the top
busy.pochi: FOCA-NEOPLAR 45mm f3,5 lens - a closer look
busy.pochi: Foca Sport from OPL - now naked
busy.pochi: back - what a cute tiny viewfinder!
busy.pochi: I bought this ! これを買いました !
busy.pochi: Foca Sport leather case
busy.pochi: just out of the brocante (second hand shop)