Buster&Bubby: Sunday Afternoon at Ile de Gorée
Buster&Bubby: Sunday Afternoon on the Ile de Gorée
Buster&Bubby: The beach
Buster&Bubby: Bay where the ferry arrives
Buster&Bubby: Diving for Coins
Buster&Bubby: The main street
Buster&Bubby: Artists paintings line this walkway
Buster&Bubby: Dakar Skyline
Buster&Bubby: Beach and Dakar skyline
Buster&Bubby: Statue in honour of the slaves
Buster&Bubby: Statue in honour of the slaves
Buster&Bubby: Ferry docked by the Beach
Buster&Bubby: Beach, Ille de Gorée
Buster&Bubby: Cannon and Dakar Skyline
Buster&Bubby: Beach, Ille de Goree