busmothy: RMC - Hall Aggregates [ Thames Valley ] SCAMMELL tipper - 18528 , CPE263T . Chertsey pit , Jan 1984.
busmothy: RMC Hall Aggregates Thames Valley SCAMMELL , 18450 - WPK510S ;High St. Weybridge - early 80's
busmothy: RMC , Hall Aggs Thames Valley Scammell , VPM 843S [ex 184xx ] April '84 - leaving Chertsey pit [ forever ]
busmothy: RMC Group - Hall Aggregates T.V. Scammell Constructor A816GPD [18724 i think ] . Chertsey pit 7/6/84
busmothy: HALL AGGREGATES - contract haulier R. SKINNER , Dodge XBL551H . Nov.79
busmothy: RMC Hall Agg T.V. - R. Skinner. Dodge XBL551H . Nov.79 , West Byfleet
busmothy: Hales Containers Skip vehicle [ RMC Group ] Leyland Reiver [ ? ] VNM571S. Chertsey pit , late79.
busmothy: RMC Hall Agg. Thames Valley Leyand TPF885X 1447? [ 14474 i think ] c1982
busmothy: RMC - Hall & Co. NMC669R ; Foden Cement tanker . Chertsey pit , Nov. 79
busmothy: RMC , Hall Agg Thames Valley service van BGJ796S - SIMCA , at Brighton 3.5.81
busmothy: RMC Group Bedford ex Services ? [ c1955] Chertsey pit [ Nov79]
busmothy: RMC Calendar Jan/Feb 1972
busmothy: Hall Aggs Thames Valley ; Scammell 18443 . VPM850S . Chertsey pit [ 669 ] November 1979
busmothy: Hall Aggregates 18528 CPE263T . Chertsey pit , January 1984.
busmothy: HALL AGGREGATES NPJ607R - 80071 . Chertsey pit , Nov 79 .
busmothy: HALL AND CO , Foden Cement tanker NMC669R [ 73158 ? ] Chertsey pit . Nov 79
busmothy: Hales Containers 74371 - VNM571S / 80071 - NPJ607R . Chertsey pit Nov.79
busmothy: HALL AGGREGATES 80071 - NPJ607R & 18443 -VPM850S .Chertsey pit , Nov79 .
busmothy: Hall Aggregates Scammell - 18526 Cherstey Pit [ 669 ] 7/4/84
busmothy: Butterley Aggregates Scammell 18596 HPH239V .Crich quarry , 30/8/82
busmothy: Hall Aggregates Scammells CPE263T [ 18528 ] and VPM828S [ 18446 ] Chertsey pit Jan 1984 .
busmothy: Hall Aggregates Seddon Atkinson artic 80082 - EPK540V . Chertsey Pit 9/6/84
busmothy: Hales Containers - RMC group , SPM482G Bedford skip vehicle . Gaydon Commercial vehicle event 11/6/22
busmothy: Hales / RMC Group SPM482G Bedford TM : Commercial Vehicle event , Gaydon 11/6/22
busmothy: Hales / RMC Group SPM482G Bedford TM : Commercial Vehicle event , Gaydon 11/6/22
busmothy: Hales / RMC Group SPM482G Bedford TM : Commercial Vehicle event , Gaydon 11/6/22
busmothy: Hales / RMC Group SPM482G Bedford TM : Commercial Vehicle event , Gaydon 11/6/22