ivan.peplov: Cardboard Wings of Love
ivan.peplov: Gestures
ivan.peplov: Wind is the fever of air.
ivan.peplov: IMG_3592
ivan.peplov: Straight
ivan.peplov: Orthodox Sunset
ivan.peplov: IMG_8609
ivan.peplov: Imagination
ivan.peplov: IMG_0221
ivan.peplov: IMG_0472
ivan.peplov: IMG_2090
ivan.peplov: IMG_9429
ivan.peplov: IMG_3237
ivan.peplov: You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic
ivan.peplov: IMG_9747
ivan.peplov: IMG_0083
ivan.peplov: Both – that from which you flee and which you desire – are within you.
ivan.peplov: “A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.”
ivan.peplov: Only sand is permanent; because it doesn’t want to be
ivan.peplov: Adam's fall is paradise's only historical fact
ivan.peplov: IMG_7387
ivan.peplov: “The kids were moving ahead.”
ivan.peplov: IMG_7437
ivan.peplov: IMG_9149
ivan.peplov: IMG_7530
ivan.peplov: IMG_7535
ivan.peplov: IMG_7600
ivan.peplov: IMG_9235
ivan.peplov: IMG_9247
ivan.peplov: Determination