jimfrayling: Revenge of the gene pool! Moo ha ha.
jimfrayling: Ok, godmother, pony up with the good stuff...
jimfrayling: ...And when, pray dear godmother, are you going to give me some food?
jimfrayling: More please
jimfrayling: I am sly and devious now
jimfrayling: One small button to push for me, one giant leap for Frayling/Hopkins toddlerkind
jimfrayling: I am highly sceptical of your dubious efforts to entertain me Uncle and I'm really not sure whether I've given you any image rights formally
jimfrayling: And if I just press this button, my plan for world domination will be complete
jimfrayling: Hello... Flavio? Flavio? It's Maya, what the hell are you doing with season ticket prices..?
jimfrayling: Too quick for my crappy camera
jimfrayling: Brainwashing the next generation
jimfrayling: Bitey bitey
jimfrayling: Revenge of the gene pool#3