Andy Burton Oz: Red Hot Poker Kniphofia uvaria
Andy Burton Oz: Kniphofia uvaria, Red Hot Poker
Andy Burton Oz: Hibiscus sp.
Andy Burton Oz: Hibiscus sp.
Andy Burton Oz: Hibiscus sp.
Andy Burton Oz: Hibiscus sp.
Andy Burton Oz: Canna Lily - thanks Jean and Ann for the id..
Andy Burton Oz: Sacred Lotus, Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne
Andy Burton Oz: Camellia sasanqua
Andy Burton Oz: Rainbow Lorikeet
Andy Burton Oz: Rainbow Lorikeet
Andy Burton Oz: Rainbow Lorikeet
Andy Burton Oz: Rainbow Lorikeet
Andy Burton Oz: Plumbago Blue
Andy Burton Oz: Pea flower
Andy Burton Oz: Camellia feast