Andy Burton Oz: Orange Assassin Bug / Red Assassin Bug Gminatus australis or Gminatus wallengreni on Sandfly Zieria, Zieria smithii
Andy Burton Oz: Nest of Paper Wasp Polistes humilis
Andy Burton Oz: Scarlet Percher Diplacodes haematodes - male
Andy Burton Oz: Scarlet Percher Diplacodes haematodes - female
Andy Burton Oz: Ootheca (Egg case), probably of Large Brown Mantis Archimantis lachistyla
Andy Burton Oz: "...........will it make a difference if I gently nibble your neck?"
Andy Burton Oz: "...........will it make a difference if I gently nibble your neck?"
Andy Burton Oz: Native Drone Fly Eristalinus punctulatus
Andy Burton Oz: Wandering Ringtail Austrolestes leda
Andy Burton Oz: Wandering Ringtail Austrolestes leda
Andy Burton Oz: Blue-banded Bee, Amegilla asserta
Andy Burton Oz: Unidentified Soldier Beetle, Chauliognathus sp..
Andy Burton Oz: Gumleaf Grasshopper Goniaea australasiae
Andy Burton Oz: Gumleaf Grasshopper Goniaea australasiae
Andy Burton Oz: Gumleaf Grasshopper Goniaea australasiae
Andy Burton Oz: Possibly a Common Garden Katydid
Andy Burton Oz: Possible Scolypopa australis, Passionvine Planthopper.
Andy Burton Oz: Possible Scolypopa australis, Passionvine Planthopper.
Andy Burton Oz: Orchard Swallowtail Papilio aegeus aegeus
Andy Burton Oz: Jewel Bug nymph ?
Andy Burton Oz: Unidentified Lauxaniid, possibly a Sapromyza Fly
Andy Burton Oz: Australian Emerald Hemicordulia australiae
Andy Burton Oz: Fire Bug possibly Dindymus sp.
Andy Burton Oz: Netty Ladybird Harmonia testudinaria
Andy Burton Oz: Lasioglossum sp. on Ozothamnus diosmifolius flowers
Andy Burton Oz: Blue Skimmer Orthetrum caledonicum female
Andy Burton Oz: Probable Phytotrypa pretiosella
Andy Burton Oz: Stink Bug, possibly Wild Tobacco Spined Bug on Kangaroo Apple
Andy Burton Oz: Green Longlegged Fly Austrosciapus connexus
Andy Burton Oz: Bluebottle - ID. REQUIRED PLEASE