JeffersonB: getting ready for Santa
JeffersonB: sitting up practice with Nadine
JeffersonB: happy baby
JeffersonB: playing on the couch
JeffersonB: on the go with Nadine
JeffersonB: "chatting"
JeffersonB: Happy Henry
JeffersonB: New in Town
JeffersonB: pm naptime with Todd the Toad
JeffersonB: playing with Daddy
JeffersonB: standing with Daddy
JeffersonB: big smooch
JeffersonB: DSCF3440.JPG
JeffersonB: dinner time with Daddy
JeffersonB: heeeeeey!
JeffersonB: Mr. Christmas cookie
JeffersonB: cookie man
JeffersonB: going in the oven
JeffersonB: DSCF3459.JPG
JeffersonB: Santa - on 12/23!
JeffersonB: Henry and Santa