burnlab: "bombing and strafing target areas"
burnlab: The Porch
burnlab: gone fishin'
burnlab: A sample jar of Paula Deen's blood
burnlab: lizard squirrel with mustache
burnlab: Pearl
burnlab: oranges
burnlab: exit row FTW
burnlab: Goth in the sun
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: coffee at Sarabeth's, Key West
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Fort Meyers Beach
burnlab: Key West ferry
burnlab: Key West ferry
burnlab: Key West ferry
burnlab: The Concorde of ferry boats
burnlab: DTW Christmas morning
burnlab: exit row for the win
burnlab: Bethany's dad with George Carlin "Piss" mug shot
burnlab: The Mrs. tweeting from the hot tub
burnlab: The Mrs. tweeting from the hot tub