burningpaper: Blurry Clapotis
burningpaper: clapotis detail
burningpaper: finished object
burningpaper: yay socks!
burningpaper: finished pair
burningpaper: finished sock
burningpaper: knitting mafia - big
burningpaper: knitting mafia - close up
burningpaper: yarn porn
burningpaper: pink tube scarf
burningpaper: finished object: deco ribbon bag
burningpaper: photo class
burningpaper: booga bag for liz
burningpaper: satchel: blocking strap
burningpaper: satchel: blocking side
burningpaper: satchel: blocking pocket
burningpaper: satchel: blocking front
burningpaper: satchel: blocking the flap (and reflection of the flap)
burningpaper: satchel: blocking the back and the flap.
burningpaper: satchel: blocking two pockets
burningpaper: satchel: done!
burningpaper: January 2, 2006
burningpaper: first socks I ever knit (2003)
burningpaper: first fuzzy feet I knit (2003)
burningpaper: silk garden socks
burningpaper: cheesy_sweater_pic
burningpaper: Mittens!
burningpaper: More mittens.
burningpaper: wristers
burningpaper: vintage velvet