burn Energy: The man with the goods!
burn Energy: Ground breaking progress.
burn Energy: Pandora's box.
burn Energy: Getting down to business.
burn Energy: Decisions, decisions.
burn Energy: Then down came the rain.
burn Energy: SOS crew examining the damage caused by the rain.
burn Energy: New feature still a work in progress.
burn Energy: New feature really starting to take shape
burn Energy: Ignacio "Nacho" Morata digs deep.
burn Energy: Rune Glifberg working hard to get the park finished in time for the re-opening.
burn Energy: Rune Glifberg [not] working hard to get the park finished in time for the re-opening.
burn Energy: Park is nearly ready. Just the finishing touches to go.
burn Energy: Slackers!
burn Energy: The finishing touches.
burn Energy: It's on! Rune Glifberg gives new obstacle a proper spanking!
burn Energy: Park being put to good use.
burn Energy: Spectators watch first comp. at the newly saved spot.
burn Energy: Rune Glifberg signing autographs.
burn Energy: 360 degrees of shreddable happiness. Part 1.
burn Energy: 360 degrees of shreddable happiness. Part 2.