Burlap Jacket: I'm showin' some pics next month...
Burlap Jacket: the no look master in room 202
Burlap Jacket: the gladstone
Burlap Jacket: kevin assembles
Burlap Jacket: drillin with precision
Burlap Jacket: framed choice
Burlap Jacket: shooting and thinking of shooting
Burlap Jacket: kevin in 202
Burlap Jacket: ken and rodolfo
Burlap Jacket: the bathroom guy
Burlap Jacket: his other office
Burlap Jacket: opening night
Burlap Jacket: the site for coffee
Burlap Jacket: stephanie and al
Burlap Jacket: kristi and a couple of other people
Burlap Jacket: a special kind of love
Burlap Jacket: cyclops
Burlap Jacket: shooters in the crapper
Burlap Jacket: Hank diptych
Burlap Jacket: scene from a bar
Burlap Jacket: bay st meets the gladdy
Burlap Jacket: SWC shooter
Burlap Jacket: ken and the swc - a love affair part 2
Burlap Jacket: ken and the swc - a love affair
Burlap Jacket: richard and lisa at the gladdy
Burlap Jacket: exposed x3 in the stairwell