dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK is waiting for the right moment...
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK is calm for now.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK feels his pain.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK is waiting for the police to move along...
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK needs an aspirin.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK. That's my name!
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK dons a disguise.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK shows off his guns!
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK feels his alternate face.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK has issues.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK is on the run!
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM is a bunny at heart.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM hides his pain.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM is bashful.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM has a moment of love with his face.
dastinkytwinz: I said BOOM BOOM!
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM wants something stronger for the pain.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM studies the future.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM recoils in horror.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM has a gun.
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM is aiming at you!
dastinkytwinz: BOOM BOOM has twice the fun!
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK is a villain on Batman!
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK! Pleased to me you!
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK awaits more destruction.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK doesn't have patience for this.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK likes to talk shit.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK. a face only a mother could love!
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK practicing for his mug shot.
dastinkytwinz: TICK TOCK emerges from the darkness.