dastinkytwinz: smiling
dastinkytwinz: we the people
dastinkytwinz: end the war
dastinkytwinz: we are the future
dastinkytwinz: fun squared
dastinkytwinz: in the cage
dastinkytwinz: marching past the convention
dastinkytwinz: the site of the crimes
dastinkytwinz: there they are
dastinkytwinz: yeah, I'm mad!
dastinkytwinz: dougola expains it
dastinkytwinz: dougola is on tv
dastinkytwinz: dougola is interviewed
dastinkytwinz: in the sun
dastinkytwinz: the march
dastinkytwinz: we are only half way there
dastinkytwinz: mickey's diner
dastinkytwinz: juxtiposition
dastinkytwinz: guarding the museum
dastinkytwinz: fat cat
dastinkytwinz: waiting for trouble
dastinkytwinz: out in force
dastinkytwinz: my son is an idiot
dastinkytwinz: smiling copper
dastinkytwinz: down the street
dastinkytwinz: march march
dastinkytwinz: way behind us
dastinkytwinz: behind us marching
dastinkytwinz: no war no way
dastinkytwinz: take my picture