ulalume: Taro @ NMAH
ulalume: Taro @ NMAH
ulalume: garden roses and wonderfalls
ulalume: Dracula's Shadow Iris in bloom
ulalume: dracula's shadow iris
ulalume: jessamine blooming
ulalume: cherry blossom
ulalume: Queen of the Night
ulalume: Chocolate Pepper
ulalume: German Green tomato
ulalume: Green Zebra tomato
ulalume: Monster tomato
ulalume: Anchorage flowers
ulalume: Must have this plant: Beautyberry, Callicarpa dichotoma 'Issai'/'early amethyst'
ulalume: Nandina
ulalume: Nandina
ulalume: Tree without leaves
ulalume: Beautyberry bush
ulalume: This is what happens to a juniper bush
ulalume: Drac vulgaris 1.13.2006
ulalume: Creepy plant, 1.9.2006
ulalume: Alien plant, 1.9.2006
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Tree
ulalume: Leaves