Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 1
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 2
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 3
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 4
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 5
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 6 -- Twizy
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 7 -- Stage and screens
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 8 -- Serious Gear
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 9
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 10 -- Official Bloggers on stage
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 11 -- Official Bloggers on Stage
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 12 -- Backstage; Geek Paradise
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 13 -- Official Photo Shoot Setting
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 14
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 15 -- Inside the Video Truck
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 16 -- Official Blogger Truck (kidding)
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 17 -- Christophe Giving the Technical Details
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 18 -- This Way Please!
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 19
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 20 -- Speaker Lounge
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 21 -- Official Blogger Lounge
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 22 -- PayPal Booth in Construction
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 23 -- WordPress Booth
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 24 -- Marissa Mayer Portrait in Post-Its
Stephanie Booth: LeWeb'12 Behind the Scenes 25