m.nourse: Bar Jacks
m.nourse: Yellowfin Mojarra
m.nourse: There were thousands of these tiny fish everywhere!
m.nourse: Sardines?
m.nourse: Sardines?
m.nourse: Needlefish
m.nourse: Wrasse - Juvenile Slippery Dick
m.nourse: Southern Stingray
m.nourse: Permit (R)
m.nourse: Sardines?
m.nourse: Sergeant major
m.nourse: Spanish hogfish
m.nourse: Spanish hogfish
m.nourse: Blue Tang
m.nourse: DSCF1048.jpg
m.nourse: Blue tube sponge?
m.nourse: Coral
m.nourse: So many different types of coral!
m.nourse: Parrotfish?
m.nourse: Brain coral
m.nourse: Sargeant major
m.nourse: squirrelfish, parrotfish, coral
m.nourse: Parrotfish?
m.nourse: squirrelfish
m.nourse: Looks like a vase!
m.nourse: Conch
m.nourse: Dock
m.nourse: Maturing blue tangs?
m.nourse: Sea anemone
m.nourse: Indigo hamlet