Souvenir Soul: 20110330-_MG_1029
Souvenir Soul: bat house
Souvenir Soul: Maharajah Jungle Trek
Souvenir Soul: tiger watching
Souvenir Soul: want to go for a ride?
Souvenir Soul: a boat of many colours
Souvenir Soul: Banteng cow on the Jungle Trek
Souvenir Soul: chewing some cud
Souvenir Soul: I want a banana
Souvenir Soul: Polka-dot bow truck
Souvenir Soul: nice ride Minnie
Souvenir Soul: Minnie's whirligigs
Souvenir Soul: well hello!
Souvenir Soul: It's a little Goofy
Souvenir Soul: a Goofy hood ornament
Souvenir Soul: Goofy sausage
Souvenir Soul: hello from Mickey
Souvenir Soul: from Africa to Everest
Souvenir Soul: green river
Souvenir Soul: AK ~ Tree of Life
Souvenir Soul: Tree of Life ~ monkey eagle
Souvenir Soul: flower hair
Souvenir Soul: "I like your war paint"
Souvenir Soul: the bustle
Souvenir Soul: big hugs
Souvenir Soul: pixie dust squares
Souvenir Soul: Donald Duck topiary