Bun Lee: Night Wheels
Bun Lee: Alouette Moonlight
Bun Lee: Night Walk
Bun Lee: Path To The Light
Bun Lee: Fogcouver Downtown
Bun Lee: Clearing Up
Bun Lee: Frozen Pond
Bun Lee: Sunset Rain
Bun Lee: Spring Lights Illumination 2017 at Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver. This was taken towards the end of the night as there are not many people left since the light show was running until 11pm instead 10pm. Projection provided by @hfourstudio and @benzco
Bun Lee: Eye of the Root
Bun Lee: Sunset Picnic
Bun Lee: Sunset Fog
Bun Lee: Tree Top
Bun Lee: Fading Away
Bun Lee: Garry Pint Bench
Bun Lee: Lights and Poles
Bun Lee: Garry Point Needle
Bun Lee: Low Tide Exploration
Bun Lee: White Branch
Bun Lee: Compression
Bun Lee: Smoking Sunset
Bun Lee: Rounded
Bun Lee: Misty
Bun Lee: Galactic Station
Bun Lee: Totem Night
Bun Lee: Peyto Sunset
Bun Lee: Peaceful Bench
Bun Lee: Sunset After Snow
Bun Lee: Cold N Fresh
Bun Lee: Morning Lights Show