bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Raw Materials
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Onions and Garlic
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Chuck Roast
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Getting Going
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Browning the Onion
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Everything in the Pot
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - 6 hours later
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Shredding Underway
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Shredding Underway 2
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Falling Apart Good
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Ready to Make a Sandwich
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Bread
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Assembly
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Melting the Cheese
bump: Beef Drip Sandwiches - Finished Product
bump: Week 10: Beef Drip Sandwiches
bump: Week 10: Beef Drip Sandwiches