bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Raw Materials
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Raw Materials
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Raw Materials Prepped
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Scallops getting their Sear on
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Scallops Seared on One Side
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Turning the Second Batch
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Second Batch Seared
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Cast Iron After the Scallops
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Tomato, Garlic, Butter and Wine_
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Tomato, Garlic, Butter and Wine
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Getting the Little Bits off the bottom
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Adding the Linguine
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Everything but the Scallops
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Everything but the Scallops II
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Plated
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Plated II
bump: Scallops n' Pasta - Plated III