bump: Close up of three Astros Before the Game
bump: Astros Have a Before Game Conversation
bump: Astros Line Up and Introduction
bump: The Boys in Blue Emerge
bump: Lineups Turned in to Start Game
bump: Lineups
bump: Jared Wright Warming Up
bump: Singing of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
bump: Jones and Lamont share pre-game moment
bump: Baby and Bottle on Jumbotron
bump: Scoreboard, Turner Field
bump: The Chop House
bump: Astros Take the Field
bump: Clemens Warming Up
bump: Clemens Winds Up
bump: Clemens Throws
bump: Clemens Getting Ready to Throw
bump: Clemens and Ausmus Talk
bump: Jeff Kent Walking up to Bat
bump: Braves' Third Base Coach
bump: Ausmus At the Plate
bump: Ground Ball coming off bat
bump: Braves at the plate
bump: Clemens at his release point
bump: Clemens throws, the runner goes
bump: Play at Third