Andy_B :): Proverbs 22:6
Andy_B :): Luke 9: 57-62
Andy_B :): Matthew 6:19-21
Andy_B :): Storm on the Horizon
Andy_B :): John 3-16
Andy_B :): Window in Heaven - Explore
Andy_B :): Much Like Life
Andy_B :): Lord hear our prayers
Andy_B :): Here lies Birdie
Andy_B :): Stained Glass
Andy_B :): |||||Verticals|||||
Andy_B :): Cross Fire - Explore
Andy_B :): Lift High the Cross
Andy_B :): Spotlight on the Bay
Andy_B :): Take Flight
Andy_B :): Solid Rock
Andy_B :): Psalm 23: 4
Andy_B :): Psalm 145 - Explore
Andy_B :): Isaiah 41:10 - Sunrise at my house this morning - I saw Jesus
Andy_B :): For God So Loved the World...
Andy_B :): Glenwood