Frank--F: Being together doesn't always mean not being lonely
Frank--F: Fragile destiny
Frank--F: Motion
Frank--F: Autumn - my favorite season
Frank--F: Soon the sun gives way to night
Frank--F: A little green in the grey
Frank--F: A little black in the white
Teresa's Place/: Farewell to Lisbon … :l and a plane to catch!
Teresa's Place/: Pavements
Teresa's Place/: Digressions
Teresa's Place/: Digressions
Teresa's Place/: Little Gardens
Teresa's Place/: Abstract
Teresa's Place/: Summer Holidays... :I and two planes to catch...
Teresa's Place/: Photos. Best Friends.
Teresa's Place/: Photos. Abstract.
Teresa's Place/: Photos. Abstract.
Teresa's Place/: Photos. Less.
martincolomes: 3275. The thirst