4fthawaiian: Riding on the running board of a cable car. Kickass.
4fthawaiian: Can't believe where I am. :) #fb
4fthawaiian: A cute chick I met on the cable car. Wonder if she puts out :D #fb
4fthawaiian: Out for a bay cruise this morning :) #fb
4fthawaiian: Take me to jail :) #fb
4fthawaiian: "animal style" burgers from in and out burger. Nom. #fb
4fthawaiian: Managed to sneak in a pic in front of City Lights whilst in SF. Will have to do a full "beat tour" next time #fb
4fthawaiian: I love that our hotel has an old school fire escape. This is such a cool town :) #fb
4fthawaiian: Making friends in Carmel :) #fb
4fthawaiian: Still on the road to SoCal. Damned pretty out here! #fb
4fthawaiian: Heeeeere we go! #fb
4fthawaiian: Spending our last half an hour in the happiest place on earth :) #fb
4fthawaiian: Best. Souvenir. EVAR.