bugbiteme: Loch Leven Trailhead
bugbiteme: Loch Leven parking lot
bugbiteme: Our journy begins
bugbiteme: Home on the trail
bugbiteme: Wild flower
bugbiteme: RR X
bugbiteme: Lower Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: Lower Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: Onward to the next lake!
bugbiteme: I guess we'll go this way
bugbiteme: Tree growing out of a boulder
bugbiteme: Middle Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: trail around Middle Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: Middle Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: Middle Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: busted up signage
bugbiteme: Dide finshing in Middle Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: at our destination
bugbiteme: High Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: High Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: Flowers around High Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: More flowers
bugbiteme: view from above
bugbiteme: probably the best looking hiker you'll find on a trail
bugbiteme: granite cliff
bugbiteme: High Loch Leven Lake
bugbiteme: You can see Castle Peak in the distance
bugbiteme: exploring the wilderness
bugbiteme: Another view of Castle Peak from afar
bugbiteme: Trolloping through an alpine meadow