bugbiteme: Ira Jacob Levy!!!
bugbiteme: The new fam
bugbiteme: Niki Leon and Ira
bugbiteme: Ira..sleeping
bugbiteme: Mom and Ira
bugbiteme: The newborn Ira!
bugbiteme: The newborn Ira!
bugbiteme: Wheeew!
bugbiteme: Father and son
bugbiteme: Father and son
bugbiteme: Weighing in at 7lb 6oz and 19.5 inches!!!
bugbiteme: Weighing in at 7lb 6oz and 19.5 inches!!!
bugbiteme: Epiderals rock!!!
bugbiteme: Niki and Alicia the Dula
bugbiteme: Aunt Mariah and uncle Jarret
bugbiteme: Aunt Mariah and uncle Jarret
bugbiteme: Ira and Auntie Dominica
bugbiteme: Dominica, Amaya and Ira
bugbiteme: Mommy and Ira
bugbiteme: Lookin' around
bugbiteme: Wassup!!
bugbiteme: fast asleep...for a second or two
bugbiteme: Grandma Schrader
bugbiteme: Grandma Ortiz
bugbiteme: Papa Ortiz
bugbiteme: Cousing Nece
bugbiteme: Great cousin Marie
bugbiteme: Great tía
bugbiteme: Heather and Ira