Buffalogr: Red Barn in Ohio With Dog
Buffalogr: Pretty Flower
Buffalogr: Knitting in Ohio
Buffalogr: Two Boys With Puppies
Buffalogr: Two Boys and Puppies
Buffalogr: Swinging on a Tire Swing
Buffalogr: Melissa and the Puppies
Buffalogr: Boys Swinging
Buffalogr: Crazy RV Park
Buffalogr: Herbert Hoover Boyhood Home
Buffalogr: Isis, God of Earth
Buffalogr: Welcome to Nebraska????
Buffalogr: Monument to the Pony Express
Buffalogr: Gros Ventere River
Buffalogr: Photo of Grandpa by Addison
Buffalogr: Taylor and Addison
Buffalogr: Nate & Pam with a Fish
Buffalogr: oxbow point
Buffalogr: Really old car
Buffalogr: Texas Dancers
Buffalogr: Off we go....
Buffalogr: Shepard AFB, Texas Sunrise
Buffalogr: Oklahoma Icon
Buffalogr: Hoodie?
Buffalogr: Doctorate
Buffalogr: Paige-A on a Bike