adventphotography: polyphemus7
adventphotography: polyphemus moth
adventphotography: polyphemus moth
adventphotography: polymphemus eye
adventphotography: polyphemus eyes
adventphotography: polyphemus1
adventphotography: polyphemus moth
adventphotography: lunar moth
adventphotography: lunar moth
adventphotography: lunar moth on the ceiling
adventphotography: lunar moth on moon
adventphotography: fun with monarcy the monarch
adventphotography: My 10yo daughter
adventphotography: my 8yo daughter with butterfly kisses
adventphotography: dragonfly (anyone know what kind)
adventphotography: eastern tiger swallowtail
adventphotography: xtreme polyphemus moth
adventphotography: gossimer wings
adventphotography: monarchs at Fort McClarey
adventphotography: monarchs at fort McClarey
adventphotography: Nikon 105mm ED Micro VR f2.8
adventphotography: Nikon ED VR 105mm f2.8 micro
adventphotography: Nikon 105mm f2.8 ED VR Micro