Moonshine and Matches: Hunting 2024
Moonshine and Matches: 2024 NE Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: 2024 NE Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: Block Management near Plentywood
Moonshine and Matches: Block Management near Plentywood
Moonshine and Matches: 2024 NE Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: Walt in his Mutt Hut.
Moonshine and Matches: Dawn at Pionier South, near Conway, WA
Moonshine and Matches: Sundown in Scobey MT
Moonshine and Matches: Stairway Lighting - Gold Dollar Hotel, Plentywood, MT
Moonshine and Matches: The Orpheum Theater in Plentywood Montana - November 2023
Moonshine and Matches: Near Plentywood Montana - November 2023
Moonshine and Matches: Near Plentywood Montana - November 2023
Moonshine and Matches: Near Plentywood - 2023 Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: Near Plentywood - 2023 Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: Near Plentywood - 2023 Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: As seen in the hotel parking lot - Scobey MT
Moonshine and Matches: The Hi-Line Theater - Rudyard, MT
Moonshine and Matches: Custom Built Hydraulic Hoses - Rudyard, MT
Moonshine and Matches: Duly warned - Rudyard, MT
Moonshine and Matches: Headed West on the Highline - Central MT
Moonshine and Matches: Mitzy's and The 5th Avenue - Sandpoint, ID
Moonshine and Matches: W inquiring as to the whereabouts of the ducks, because why are we even out here if there aren't any ducks...? Saturday morning skunking at Fir Island West
Moonshine and Matches: Cloud break at Pionier South
Moonshine and Matches: Near Plentywood - 2023 Montana pheasant trip
Moonshine and Matches: Dawn out duck hunting - Chilberg 5
Moonshine and Matches: Rosy fingered dawn out duck hunting - Chilberg 4
Moonshine and Matches: Morning fog - Chilberg 4
Moonshine and Matches: Morning fog - Chilberg 4
Moonshine and Matches: Just clear of a mid morning fog bank - Chilberg 4