Moonshine and Matches:
Washing 127 - Pinhole
Moonshine and Matches:
Wasting time/film while washing film - Pinhole
Moonshine and Matches:
Uncut 120 - Pinhole
Moonshine and Matches:
Stand developing some Fuji Across 100 - My DIY black and white film processing setup.
Moonshine and Matches:
Looks fine to me! Testing some very expired (2006) Fuji Neopan 400 that I found in my bulk roller.
Moonshine and Matches:
Self portrait with freshly developed film
Moonshine and Matches:
Bulk loaded up 100' (18 rolls) of Eastman Double-X (5222) from Film Photography Project
Moonshine and Matches:
Drying negs in the shower. DIY home darkroom.
Moonshine and Matches:
DIY film processing