Moonshine and Matches:
Spring herbs!
Moonshine and Matches:
Carrot seedlings
Moonshine and Matches:
Pen FT test roll: Hop vine
Moonshine and Matches:
E toting a pile of starts from the Tilth Spring Plant sale - May 2019
Moonshine and Matches:
Blueberries in the making
Moonshine and Matches:
Moonshine and Matches:
New home brew pea/cuke trellis
Moonshine and Matches:
Spring greens
Moonshine and Matches:
Strawberry rhubarb!
Moonshine and Matches:
First blueberry of the year
Moonshine and Matches:
Yeller carrot from the garden
Moonshine and Matches:
Monster in my garden
Moonshine and Matches:
Monster in my garden
Moonshine and Matches:
Chive flowers - late spring
Moonshine and Matches:
Brussel sprouts - late spring
Moonshine and Matches:
Mixed foliage - late spring
Moonshine and Matches:
Mixed foliage - late spring
Moonshine and Matches:
Blueberry bounty with bonus hound
Moonshine and Matches:
Yellow transparent apple from the back yard
Moonshine and Matches:
Summer squash!
Moonshine and Matches: