Moonshine and Matches: Approaching the Florida coast.
Moonshine and Matches: Seatac to msp
Moonshine and Matches: Seattle Floatplane tour - Downtown from the north side
Moonshine and Matches: Seattle Floatplane tour - wing detail
Moonshine and Matches: Seattle Floatplane tour - Downtown from the south
Moonshine and Matches: Seattle Floatplane tour - 520 Floating bridge
Moonshine and Matches: On a Plain (Plane)
Moonshine and Matches: On the way to Chicago.
Moonshine and Matches: View of the Mediterranean - ascending out of Rome.
Moonshine and Matches: SEATAC to ORD. Thanksgiving.
Moonshine and Matches: ORD —> SEA
Moonshine and Matches: Somewhere over Iceland - France 2022 trip
Moonshine and Matches: Central Coast Trip - February 2023
Moonshine and Matches: Cloudscape on the way home from MT
Moonshine and Matches: On they way to Monterey, CA - 2023.02.17
Moonshine and Matches: On the way down to pack up GG's place - August 2022
Moonshine and Matches: Spring Montana Fishing Trip
Moonshine and Matches: Wingshot - Landing in Chicago on the heels of a thunderstorm
Moonshine and Matches: Wing Shot - West slope of the Cascades on the way to Cincinnati