Moonshine and Matches:
gas can - Ashland OR
Moonshine and Matches:
scenic mountainside
Moonshine and Matches:
klamath power-race and klamath river
Moonshine and Matches:
Oak tree
Moonshine and Matches:
Moonshine and Matches:
Self portrait with new hat
Moonshine and Matches:
Reassuring riverside sign
Moonshine and Matches:
Lunchtime view
Moonshine and Matches:
Lunchtime view - b
Moonshine and Matches:
Moonshine and Matches:
First trout of day two
Moonshine and Matches:
Moonshine and Matches:
Klamath basin - roadside view
Moonshine and Matches:
Klamth basin - south of K falls
Moonshine and Matches:
Klamth basin - south of K falls - b
Moonshine and Matches:
The raft and our guide just prior to the put in
Moonshine and Matches:
Taxidermy view - disconcerting
Moonshine and Matches:
Moonshine and Matches:
Added nastiness - Klamath falls - OR hwy 66
Moonshine and Matches:
Pondarosa pine cones
Moonshine and Matches:
Our welcome to the Klamath basin