Moonshine and Matches: Ella Dog on the Oregon Coast
Moonshine and Matches: Ella Dog - Polaroid Type 655 positive
Moonshine and Matches: Ella dog at the East 25th st house.
Moonshine and Matches: Ella was part ridgeback
Moonshine and Matches: Ella Dog across the river from Armitage Park
Moonshine and Matches: Ella Dog - Ashland Oregon. Fall 1998
Moonshine and Matches: Delayed film development - Ella out grouse hunting
Moonshine and Matches: Ella - portrait of
Moonshine and Matches: Ella at Eugene City Bakery
Moonshine and Matches: Ella on the futon
Moonshine and Matches: Playing with the dog
Moonshine and Matches: Ella in the kitchen
Moonshine and Matches: ella on the red couch
Moonshine and Matches: Big Creek delta - Yachats Oregon
Moonshine and Matches: Ella in Yachats
Moonshine and Matches: Ella in Yachats - Out take
Moonshine and Matches: Ella at a Stump Town
Moonshine and Matches: Ella in the Masonic Cemetary
Moonshine and Matches: doll butt - dog butt
Moonshine and Matches: El on the Metolious
Moonshine and Matches: clear lake 001