BuddaBoy: On a Boat, on a Boat
BuddaBoy: Selection of colourful houses
BuddaBoy: The tourist trap street in Copenhagen
BuddaBoy: Cafe filled street in Copenhagen
BuddaBoy: The Copenhagen Opera House
BuddaBoy: The Mermaid has GONE!
BuddaBoy: Mermaid - Live from Shanghai
BuddaBoy: Time for a small Leffe
BuddaBoy: Drupalcon Copenhagen Pass
BuddaBoy: Follow The Floor Stickers
BuddaBoy: The Drupalcon Exhibition Room being Set-up
BuddaBoy: Dries keynote crowd in Copenhagen
BuddaBoy: Creator of Varnish HTTP Cache Session
BuddaBoy: The Drupalcon Awesomesauce
BuddaBoy: Lisa Rex being interviewed by Drupal Radar
BuddaBoy: Preparing for the group photo at Drupalcon Copenhagen