Bucky Four-Eyes: Pretending to be in jail
Bucky Four-Eyes: 4: Sock monkeys quake in fear at the sight of the ferocious Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Kill the monkey at all costs!
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles the monkey boy
Bucky Four-Eyes: The boy is begging for a popsicle in the ass.
Bucky Four-Eyes: Friday worships Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Stuck, or hailing a cab?
Bucky Four-Eyes: Village Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: In the Navy
Bucky Four-Eyes: Brokeback Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Officer Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Fabulous construction, Inc.
Bucky Four-Eyes: Biker boy Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Big (gay) chief Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles looks good in white
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles chooses a cassette
Bucky Four-Eyes: You will not pass!
Bucky Four-Eyes: Bad kitty wrapped in adorable.
Bucky Four-Eyes: Yoga with Master Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: The sleeper hold worked
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles in a sleeper hold
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles, the self-appointed tchotchke
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles surrenders
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles, you got a pretty mouth...
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbly man
Bucky Four-Eyes: Incredibly gay Wobbles
Bucky Four-Eyes: Wobbles and the starfish
Bucky Four-Eyes: That's a cold shot, baby