andrewyb: Elliot Soul Children girls
andrewyb: care team
andrewyb: Trent Stephenson DJing at the 2001 Presbyterian Youth Triennium
andrewyb: phil brown
andrewyb: mud day fire truck spray
andrewyb: Drama team presentation stars and scripture
andrewyb: Elliot Soul Children soloist
andrewyb: charlotte craxton
andrewyb: Kenneth Slifer and Julie Cox
andrewyb: linda yeager
andrewyb: brian cave and kids at 2001 presbyterian youth triennium
andrewyb: Elliot soul children breaking it down
andrewyb: Anna Carter Florence preaching at the 2001 Presbyterian Youth Triennium
andrewyb: sarah tuttle
andrewyb: water recreation event during the 2001 presbyterian youth triennium
andrewyb: The Soul Children of Chicago performing in the Elliot Hall of Music at Purdue University
andrewyb: Global partners at 2001 Presbyterian Youth Triennium
andrewyb: Elliot presentation team stars
andrewyb: lita and linda
andrewyb: care team continued
andrewyb: care team all smiles
andrewyb: Travis girl at salon
andrewyb: care team craziness
andrewyb: mud day recreation games at the 2001 presbyterian youth triennium
andrewyb: Pre Event at the 2001 Presbyterian Youth Triennium in Elliot Hall of Music
andrewyb: Elliot Soul Children guys
andrewyb: energizers
andrewyb: hair salon during recreation event at 2001 presbyterian youth triennium
andrewyb: Elliot Global Partner Cabaret
andrewyb: Global partners at 2001 Presbyterian Youth Triennium