bucksharp: Skyfall
bucksharp: Skyfall
bucksharp: Skyfall
bucksharp: Hannah and Laura, Thanksgiving 2015
bucksharp: Student at UGA
bucksharp: Erin hanging out by the hammock
bucksharp: Erin on the porch swing
bucksharp: O.M.G.
bucksharp: My silly Erin
bucksharp: Erin & Bob
bucksharp: On the cinder blocks at ATHICA
bucksharp: Winding down
bucksharp: Day Trip to Bear Hollow
bucksharp: Day Trip to Bear Hollow
bucksharp: "Ahhh… the red flower… about to be mine!"
bucksharp: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
bucksharp: B… posin'
bucksharp: Emma climbing on the log
bucksharp: Erin
bucksharp: Erin and her frog...
bucksharp: IMG_6397-2.jpg
bucksharp: Moon
bucksharp: Playing in the sand
bucksharp: Emma on the boogie board
bucksharp: Wave crashing
bucksharp: Over the wave