buckofive: You drive me ape, you big gorilla
buckofive: Hey, you'd be resting too if you had to wear these horns!
buckofive: Birds of a feather
buckofive: Pink Flamingos
buckofive: Strike a pose
buckofive: Power Pachyderms
buckofive: "Hey, Llama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know."
buckofive: buckofive as viewed by a 10 year old friend
buckofive: Ladybug Autobahn
buckofive: Artis Fountain
buckofive: Pride (In The Name Of Love)
buckofive: Gecko on the prowl
buckofive: None of your beeswax
buckofive: High Four from a Gorilla
buckofive: Who is on display?
buckofive: Then the chicken laid a person
buckofive: Karma Chameleon
buckofive: Are you talking to me?
buckofive: Roar of the sea lions