bubustudio: my breakfast / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: vicki / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: sunny day / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: warm color / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: first roll with my father's Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: rice wine / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: green apple and red apple / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: buy some oranges 買袋柳丁吧 / Canon EF+FD 55mm 1.2 S.S.C.
bubustudio: happy together
bubustudio: 不在景深裡的襪子 the socks not in focus
bubustudio: 藍色運動服
bubustudio: 奶精 / Coffee cream
bubustudio: good morning CiCi
bubustudio: 終於發現失焦的問題是什麼
bubustudio: again, I focused on the chair
bubustudio: I focused on the chair, but the result on the film is not.
bubustudio: working in hypo office
bubustudio: 老爸的FD 55mm f1.2 失焦問題終於解決了
bubustudio: two babies in my bag
bubustudio: the curtain in the mirror
bubustudio: two in one
bubustudio: ray with lomo
bubustudio: we love photography
bubustudio: rosemary
bubustudio: Petit Ming's M4-2
bubustudio: coffee time
bubustudio: cat foot