bubustudio: waiting for boarding
bubustudio: flying to Tokyo
bubustudio: first stop in Japan
bubustudio: 眼前應該是太平洋吧?
bubustudio: vending machine
bubustudio: my shoyu ramen / 醤油ラーメン
bubustudio: ラーメン
bubustudio: 拉麵時間 / ramen time
bubustudio: young mommy shop staff / 小媽媽店員
bubustudio: Money-bringing cat?? / 招財貓
bubustudio: 來碗拉麵吧
bubustudio: congratulations!
bubustudio: japanese traditional wedding ceremony
bubustudio: japanese traditional wedding ceremony
bubustudio: Vicki wrote down her wish and than put into the box
bubustudio: first morning in Tokyo
bubustudio: our bus driver
bubustudio: 自己点火燈??信號彈嗎?
bubustudio: gentle granddad's hand
bubustudio: Vicki
bubustudio: captain
bubustudio: police station & police bikes
bubustudio: see what you like? / 淺草
bubustudio: vicki on the street / 雷門旁
bubustudio: 求籤 / 淺草寺
bubustudio: waiting for your mom? / 淺草
bubustudio: taxi and bike way
bubustudio: all my equipment in Tokyo
bubustudio: me, in hotel / 新宿
bubustudio: after a busy day, vicki was tired...