bubustudio: 鐘鐘
bubustudio: Tea time / 瑪德貝蕾
bubustudio: dinner in IKEA
bubustudio: Cici: may I?
bubustudio: Cici: water!
bubustudio: I: wanna drink?
bubustudio: studio on 25th August 2008
bubustudio: today afternoon
bubustudio: hypo team dinner party / we love each other....ha
bubustudio: thank you Lynn, I got your beautiful postcard : )
bubustudio: my foot
bubustudio: after the rain
bubustudio: 借來的卡塔掐~
bubustudio: Brooks
bubustudio: on the way home at 18:05
bubustudio: on the way home at 17:50
bubustudio: my bike, my Domke
bubustudio: traffic jam at typhoon night
bubustudio: Who can go to Tokyo with me? / 誰能跟我去東京勒?
bubustudio: back to Taiwan now / these are somethings from Tokyo
bubustudio: back to my life
bubustudio: I'm working / 工作中
bubustudio: vicki and me in Cozy cafe
bubustudio: i'm home
bubustudio: my new friend Shaun 發條笑笑羊
bubustudio: This is what the window looks like. / hypo 單車生活櫥窗大概就長這樣
bubustudio: my hassy on the bed
bubustudio: turn left after 140 meter
bubustudio: on the road
bubustudio: water