Bubonic Bob:
Christopher the Cute
Bubonic Bob:
Big Brother Matthew
Bubonic Bob:
Bubonic Bob:
Hard to Take a Bad One
Bubonic Bob:
Relaxing After The Photoshoot
Bubonic Bob:
Matthew Looks Up To Dale
Bubonic Bob:
Dale, Chris, and The Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Curious Chris
Bubonic Bob:
Mark & Lisa Go Fly A Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Lisa's Turn For the Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Matthew Looks On
Bubonic Bob:
Chris in Thought
Bubonic Bob:
Mike Launches The Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Mark Launches The Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Ooops. Lisa Crashes The Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Bubonic Bob:
Flying High
Bubonic Bob:
Chris, Again
Bubonic Bob:
Chris Discovers Andrew
Bubonic Bob:
Andrew & Chris
Bubonic Bob:
The Big Kite
Bubonic Bob:
The Big Kite Pulls Lisa Down
Bubonic Bob:
Andrew Attempts to Take Pictures
Bubonic Bob:
Chris Hams It Up
Bubonic Bob:
Andrew Tries The Big Kite
Bubonic Bob:
Almost Ready!
Bubonic Bob:
Bubonic Bob:
The Big Kite Is Hard Work
Bubonic Bob:
Andrew Promptly Blows Away
Bubonic Bob:
Chris Discovers Mark