Bubi Au Yeung:
abandoned dog (but taken care by people in tai o)
Bubi Au Yeung:
puppy is sleeping zzZZ
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute black puppy
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute black puppy
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute black puppy
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute black puppy
Bubi Au Yeung:
a puppy is biting my shoelace
Bubi Au Yeung:
2 puppies are playing
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute black puppy hugs me :)
Bubi Au Yeung:
black puppy and me
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute black puppy is curious
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute cute cute!
Bubi Au Yeung:
she looks like a rat :P
Bubi Au Yeung:
cute puppy!
Bubi Au Yeung:
she is resting
Bubi Au Yeung:
she is resting
Bubi Au Yeung:
she is biting the grasses...