btmspox: early party
btmspox: tiny dog
btmspox: Sadie
btmspox: Brad and Charity
btmspox: Ken and Brad
btmspox: DSC_5981
btmspox: Tori and The Cake
btmspox: Tracey and Tanya
btmspox: hopefully I gave good directions
btmspox: cute dog #18
btmspox: Me, Julie, some dude
btmspox: Ken
btmspox: DSC_6006
btmspox: DSC_6007
btmspox: Charity pets cute dog #17
btmspox: Ken and Jill
btmspox: Tobin!
btmspox: Ginger and Tanya
btmspox: Tanya
btmspox: dance party?