btmeacham: #1 New Haven: Stratton Faxon Road Race 5K, 9/2/2013
btmeacham: #2 Cheshire: Ion Bank Cheshire 5K, 4/27/14
btmeacham: #3 Derby: Herbie Rollinson Memorial 5K, 6/29/14
btmeacham: #4 Milford: Independence Day 5000, 7/4/15
btmeacham: #5 New London: Charter Oak Sailfest 5K, 7/12/15
btmeacham: #6 Plainville: GE 5K Road Race, 7/19/15
btmeacham: #7 Somers: Soapstone Assault, 7/26/15
btmeacham: #8 Naugatuck: Sao Paio 5k Road Race, 9/5/15
btmeacham: #9 Deep River: Deep River 5K, 9/19/15
btmeacham: #13 Ellington: Ellington Family Fall Festival 5K
btmeacham: #14 Bethlehem: Santa Made Me Do It 5K
btmeacham: #15 Trumbull: Bridgeport PAL Christmas Village 5K
btmeacham: #16: Orange: Chilly Chili Run
btmeacham: #17 Morris: Morris Marsh Point 4 Miler
btmeacham: #18 Meriden: Bernie Jurale Memorial Tradition Run
btmeacham: #19 Stratford: Max's Shamrock 5K Road Race, 3/12/16
btmeacham: #20 Madison: Madison Exchange Leprechaun 5 Miler, 3/13/16
btmeacham: #21 Darien: The Bunny Boogie, 3/26/16
btmeacham: #22 Hamden: Spring into Spring Glen 5K, 4/17/16
btmeacham: #23 Prospect: Jan's Run 5k, 5/14/16
btmeacham: #24 Cromwell: Teacher vs. Student 5K Challenge, 5/21/16
btmeacham: #25 Bridgeport: Aquarion Barnum Festival 10K Road Race, 5/29/16
btmeacham: #26 Roxbury: Bill Burley MidSummer Championship 5 Miler, 7/16/16
btmeacham: #27 East Haven: East Haven Fall Classic 5K
btmeacham: #28 Wallingford: Fishbein/Wallingford YMCA Road Race
btmeacham: #29 Bethany: Run for the Airport
btmeacham: #30 Waterbury: Bob Veillette 5K Road Race
btmeacham: #31 Danbury: Spirit of Danbury 5K
btmeacham: #32 East Haddam: Ride or Stride 5K
btmeacham: #33 Guilford: Run for the Cove 5K, 10/16/16